Mostly my day looks like this:
Yeah...runny noses, TV watching, attack of the booger covered children.
The last cold we had for TWO WEEKS. You read that right, two weeks. This week the kiddos are healthy, but I got a lovely stomach virus - Yippee! That disaster has receded, but now I am hacking up a lung as I write this...cough drops are overrated.
Besides surviving living in a petri dish, we've had other stuff going on. Hayden's last day of his speech program was last Friday. Woohoo! He graduated out of his program and is no longer labeled as having a disability! My chatterbox is officially normal - as if I didn't know that. Kid will talk your ears off.
Poor Corbin was too sick to get his tests done last month so they've been rescheduled for November 19th. I'm keeping him in a bubble for two weeks before these next tests because if he misses this one, the next available appointment is in February!! Argh. But I dragged myself this morning to his followup with is neuro and she says he's looking great! She's thinks the MRI should come back normal and she's really interesting in seeing what the hearing test says - but we'll see.
His therapies are going well, but heaven help us when he gets sick. Basically, once he's well we have to cram in all the appointments he missed and it turns into a gigantic "therapy" week. It's crazy.
For the first time, Hayden knew exactly what he wanted to be for Halloween - a bee! Unfortunately, bee costumes are mostly made for babies and toddlers, but we managed to cram his 4T-5T body into a 3/4T. It's hilarious - but he loves it.
Corbin will be a fireman...I think. We've yet to get him to keep it on for longer than 3 seconds. He might be an "off duty" fireman.
Mark's new job has a Halloween event on Friday and Sunday we'll hit up a few neighbors as well as some of our church's block parties.
Hopefully we'll all be well enough to enjoy this weekend.
What are your Halloween plans?