I did more laundry in those 3 days then I have in a month! But we made it through alive, with only one casualty - Corbin's high chair cover.
He had, let's say, an explosive diaper on Thursday - and the cover needed to be washed in water - scalding HOT water, just to make me feel good about it once again.However, the plastic outer coating on the cover didn't agree with me. It melted and shredded, ruining the high chair cover. Now I was left with a perfectly good high chair, with no cover! We covered it with a towel for two days and I started checking out craigslist for new chairs.
Then, I saw this post on making your own cover! I didn't have the same type of chair, but it looked easy enough to do for our chair. So I headed off to Jo-Ann's Fabrics to get some supplies. I was in luck - they had super cute prints (Dogs - Corbin's favorite) on clearance and I had a coupon to get half off the quilted batting I needed. Woohoo!
I spent tonight after the boys went to bed working on it, and 2 1/2 hours later I have a finished product!
Not too shabby for someone who hasn't sewed in over a year and had absolutely no pattern! The only parts in the post I followed were her idea of cutting up the original seat to use for a pattern, making the seat like a slip cover with a piece in the back, and her idea for how to make the hole in the seat. The rest I just made up on the fly.
Originally, I was going to using some cute brown piping, but it turned out to be too small for the thickness I had. I ended up just using it on the back of the chair for the slip cover part. To clean up the edges, I made some trim out of the top fabric for the green seat and I think it came out cute.
It's certainly not perfect - the slip cover was a little large and I had to make some modifications - I sort of pleated the back, hehe. But overall, I'm happy with it. It's definitely a step up from the towel we were using!
**This post is part of the Moms' 30-Minute Blog Challenge