So after braving the busy world of HEB (local supermarket for those non-Texans), I decided to treat us both to a morning of sidewalk chalk fun. I can't claim the idea as my own, I got it off of a blog of another fantastic parent. But I figured stealing ideas for kid fun is always good. So while I drew rainbows and smiley faces, Hayden discovered the joys of throwing the chalk and watching it break. Hmmm...gotta love my kiddo, he always finds the most destructive aspect of an activity.
But the weather is gorgeous and regardless of the bits of chalk flying everywhere, it was fun.
I made the huge mistake of introducing Hayden to french fries. Now he prefers them above all else. I think it's time for a french fry intervention. All french fries consumed in this house will from now on be homemade. I figure that's the least I can do.
Oh, and in awesome news...I have been nurturing a plant I got as a gift over a year ago and finally, it bloomed!!!!!!!!!!! Wow. It was worth it. What an awesome flower. I must take pics of it. Makes me want to run out and get more plants, but this poor plant was the only one to survive the last year, so I'm thinking I should stay away from the plants.
We missed you at church yesterday, but were glad to see Mark. Glad y'all had a good day (how could you not, with the gorgeous weather??) and Hayden seems to be feeling better!
Nice flower! Good job!
Glad you're better. I did miss you Sunday! B-e-a-utiful flower!!! good job!
I'm pretty sure that I need a french fry intervention!!
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