Today I am 30 weeks. It feels good to have made it this far, yet the due date still seems too far away. Even though I have made NO progress in preparation for Corbin, I am totally ready to pop him out. This momma is done with being preggo. Most of the day was spent napping or laying down while Hayden terrorized the house. I completely wore myself out yesterday cleaning the house. And today I paid for it. I hate being so inactive, I generally love going for walks and getting out of the house, but with the temperatures in the 80s and a 26+ lb toddler to carry around with you everywhere, I'm just not in the mood.
I can actually say I have not left the house this week. I haven't driven anywhere, I don't even think I've stepped off my front porch. I have been a complete shut-in. Luckily, I will be getting out tomorrow.
The pic is actually one from last sweet little baby Hayden! Of course now he's a big boy who gives kisses, says no, and can climb up on his little rocking horse all by himself. His latest fascination - all things water. It's gotten to the point of him even pouring or spitting water on himself from his sippy cup. Depending on the sippy, he will either pop off the lid and just spill it on himself, or fill his mouth with water from the sippy and spit it all back out on his shirt. I am constantly finding him with a completely soaked shirt. We're going through about three outfits a day...argh.
I did get him to eat some string cheese the other day. Cheese has not been an acceptable food for him up to that point. But I'm sure, as with most other foods, he'll probably never eat it again. I still need to try the muffin suggestion - I think that would work. I'm just too lazy to cook any right now. Also, the chicken and broccoli sounded good - again that requires that I use something other than the microwave. My cooking skills have taken a turn for the worse uses the stove which makes heat, and I am hot enough thank you very much. Now if my stove came with a seat and a built in air conditioner, I'm there!
I'm to the point where I don't even want to make myself a sandwich, I'd rather sit there and starve then use up that last drop of energy!! I need that for Hayden. Hahaha.
Oh well, that's enough complaining from me.
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