Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Quicktakes!

  • Here's another great post on saying "Yes" at Conversion Diary.  More food for thought here!  Although I have definitely been a "no" person - I was certainly a "yes" out of fear person!  Neither of those is a healthy option.
  • I'm seriously considering getting Hayden one of these...his mid-lunch booty-wipe calls are getting old.  
  • I got my hoop last week, and I'm happy to report that I have secret, hidden hooping skills!  As a 10 year old, the hula hoop was not my friend - but as a wider-hipped, mother of two...I'm rockin it!  Even Mark was impressed with my ability - woot!
  • I am, of course, behind on the Quilt Along - but I hope to remedy that a bit this weekend.  But, hey - at least I picked out fabric!
  • Spring Break is next week!  Now, this generally means nothing to me - as my kids aren't in school - but my MIL is coming to visit and I'm so excited!  Yes, I love my mother-in-law. :)
  • I had to laugh at myself this week while I was typing up PreK activities for MissionALL (you're going, right Crossroaders?).  I seriously looked up the rules for Duck, Duck, Goose just to make sure I remembered it right, HA!  In case you're can find the rules here.  It was more or less as I remembered it, hehe.
  • I'm thinking of buying a Bubble Machine - any suggestions?  Otherwise, I'll be picking one at random from Amazon.
Have a great weekend! 


Amanda said...

I so wanna see your hooping! I am scared to take the plunge. Scared I will look like a complete dork. Scared that my husband will REALLY think I have lost my mind...scared I won't be any good at it and it will just be another one of those things I try and fail up too easily.

Did you get a video or anything or are you just self-learning? I watched some videos again recently and was like - whoa!! Can I really do this?!?! :)

Any more progress on the quilt cutting this weekend? :)

Just Me said...

You should take the plunge!! I love it. And I thought hubby would think I was nutty to, but he didn't. I even got him to hoop, haha!

No video, but there are lots online!

I'm shamefully behind on the quilt along, but I'm going at my usual snail's pace, haha.