Friday was hard. It was hard for about a dozen different reasons, but nevertheless, it was hard. I made it through somehow to nap time, and then I was left with my thoughts.
For a minute, I kind of just wandered around - not sure what to do. Should I eat my troubles away? No, that wasn't the answer. Should I throw on the TV? I just really didn't think distraction would cut it. It was so quiet in the house. The quiet felt good.
My soul was empty and I was needing a refueling somehow.
I walked outside. Outside is always good for me. It was a beautiful day. I did what I always do - check the mail. There's really not much else to do out there to "look busy". Otherwise, I'm just some strange homemaker standing out in her driveway.
And there it was - a little something for my soul - a package of books I'd been waiting and hoping for. It couldn't have come at a better time. In it was One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
Over the months, I'd heard a lot about this book. But I'm not one (at all) to jump on the latest fad book bandwagon. But when it was recommended on this blog, I knew I had to pick it up.
And miracle of all miracles it came on this day. A day of tears. A day of sadness. A day of desperation.
It was only one o'clock, but I grabbed a wine glass, poured some plum wine and headed outside. I dragged my comfiest chair out onto my front porch and didn't really care what I looked like to the passerby.
I read the first chapter...I cried.
I kept reading.
Slowly, bit by bit, a weight seemed to lift off of my heart. The weight of my sorrows, of other's sorrows, of a broken world, slowly lifted until I felt like I could once again breathe.
One thousand gifts. What a picture. God's gifts in the everyday, in the the sadness.
Over the months, I'd heard a lot about this book. But I'm not one (at all) to jump on the latest fad book bandwagon. But when it was recommended on this blog, I knew I had to pick it up.
And miracle of all miracles it came on this day. A day of tears. A day of sadness. A day of desperation.
It was only one o'clock, but I grabbed a wine glass, poured some plum wine and headed outside. I dragged my comfiest chair out onto my front porch and didn't really care what I looked like to the passerby.
I read the first chapter...I cried.
I kept reading.
Slowly, bit by bit, a weight seemed to lift off of my heart. The weight of my sorrows, of other's sorrows, of a broken world, slowly lifted until I felt like I could once again breathe.
One thousand gifts. What a picture. God's gifts in the everyday, in the the sadness.
The real problem in life - in my life - is lack of thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving creates abundance; and the miracle of multiplying happens when I give thanks - take the just one loaf, say it is enough, and give thanks - and He miraculously makes it more than enough. I have beheld suds in the sun, and I have known miracles like that. ~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts.
It is enough. What I have is enough. Who I am is enough.
There are gifts waiting to be unwrapped right where I am - I don't have to seek them out, they are there in front of me if only my eyes could see them for what they are - God's blessings.
The sunshine as I read.
The cool, crisp taste of the wine.
A conversation with a friend.
My favorite song comes on the radio.
Hearing the wind as I fall asleep.
The smell of popcorn filling the house.
The excitement of my boys in anticipation of movie night.
Relaxation from a hot shower.
Yes. :) Love to you.
Whoa...we both got the book on the same day and started reading it on the same day...and had the very same reaction to the first chapter. This book is amazing and very challenging! I echo everything you have said here.
I have been savoring every a day. And every time I finish I have about 3-4 quotes I have highlighted that I just have to share with Jeremy.
It couldn't have come at a better time for me.
Thank you for this post and thanks for listening to me on Sunday. I went home, made up with hubby and had a spectacular picnic with my family, all the while thanking God constantly for everything - little and big. Now, I'm looking for a little notebook to write down those gifts that I see. Love you!
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