1. I can't believe it's already February. I am desperate to decorate with my little valentine's trinkets, but this house is still in nuclear bomb mode - I'm not sure a few hearts here and there will actually change the environment.
2. We went to the park today! It's a little chilly, but the sun was out and Hayden really needed to burn off some energy. I'm really enjoying this age - he's big enough to use almost all of the playground equipment! And he has so much fun.
3. While we were at the park, another mother and her 4 children came. She was pushing them on that one piece of equipment, I don't remember the name, but it's the one where you spin in circles while someone pushes you. Anywho. One of her little ones kept trying to stick his feet off and ended up falling twice. In the process of all this, she was yelling at him about not listening to her and to sit down, etc.
It made me think of my own behavior on those days when Hayden is out of sorts and not behaving. Is that what I look like from afar? I was thinking back to that day when we went to the mall and Hayden was crumbled in a pile of goo on the floor and I'm yanking and yelling at him to "STAND UP!". Yeah...
Then I actually started talking to her, she was really nice. And it was obvious she really did care about her kids. She has 4 kids, 2 girls, and then two boys who are twins (and are 3). They had JUST driven 13 hours from Las Vegas, and she was letting them run around after the long trip. With all that knowledge, it put the whole scene in perspective. The one she was yelling at, she explained was her "difficult" child who always pushed the limits.
Just goes to show that we should hold our judgment, yet it still reminded me not to be that "Yelling" Mom we all hate. Not like yelling really works anyway - not with Hayden at least. Hehe. He kind of has his own mind about things these days, and we are usually at odds.
4. Right now I'm listening to the sound of my washing machine, and it's one of the best sounds in the world because it means I can actually do laundry!!!! It's amazing how much you LOVE doing laundry when you're faced with 2 weeks of no washer and dryer.
5. No my kitchen is not done. Although we do have tile floors now with grout. Yet, they still need to put the wooden transition strips (between the carpet and tile) back, and the wooden strip on the baseboard connecting the tile. And, THEN we can start thinking about getting everything else. Mark and I moved the washer, dryer, and stove back in their general location, since the crew can work around them.
6. The floors really do look nice, he did a wonderful job. I just wish it hadn't taken 2 weeks.
7. Heroes is back on tonight!!! Heroes has become quite the "event" in our house. It's the one thing we look forward to during the week. HA! We even put the kids down 15 minutes early so we can watch it in peace! That, and it's a little violent for the wee ones.
8. I'm really SICK of fast food. But when you have NO kitchen and aren't rich, fast food is the only option, haha. Now that my stove is hooked back up I can at least do some simple foods. We don't even have a microwave! Although I can't go to crazy, cause I have no sink, so washing larger dishes, is well, interesting.
9. For some reason, I'm super psyched about making a paper bag sheep puppet for children's ministry this week, hehe. I'm not exactly sure why, but it just sounds fun!
10. I'm not looking forward to the insane amount of dusting and vacuuming I have ahead of me once this kitchen is finished...
#1 - The tile look great!!
#2 - I am super jealous of your stained glass window.
#3 - I am sooooo pumped about Heroes!! I sent Jeremy and email expressing my excitement, but unfortunately he doesn't get it...LOL, but at least he indulges me. :)
Oooh, stained glass window can be yours for 20 bucks at Lowes!! It's just a designed sticky paper you cut to fit and apply to your window (just like the frosted glass stuff). Everyone thinks it's real!
HA HA -- shut up! I asked if I could get that, but Jeremy said no. I think he has a weird thing with sticky things...to permanent?!?! Who knows! My stepdad actually makes stained glass stuff and I put request in to him for something for our sidelite, but it will probably be a long time before that happens! And then it would have to be brought from Colorado to Texas in the car for delivery...ummm...yeah...a long time indeed. :)
Your mommy story reminds me of a time I was in Target. I am sure the child was doing something wrong, but I honestly could not tell you what, so it was not overtly obvious. The mother however was. I hear her yell don't touch me, and then proceed to hit the child (the kind where you can hear it,lol). Then she starts screaming "You are out of control!!!" And I was just thinking in my head, um, I think you are, not him,lol. But I said nothing. The lady scared me,lol.
LOVE the tile! I bet the kitchen will be just as fantastic. :) I was thinking the "stained glass" was new. hehehe... See you and your sheep puppets tonight!
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