Friday, February 11, 2011


You might have noticed I've made a few changes to the bloggy.  Nothing spectacular, but it feels a lot more me - so I'm happy with it.  What's awesome is that the title font is almost identical to my handwriting, haha.  It kind of feels like I just opened up my journal when I look at it, which is pretty cool.

This blog basically has been my journal these past few years.  I post whatever's on my mind - whether it's insanely personal or not.  Hopefully, you've all been able to handle that or you wouldn't still be here, HA!

I actually read through some of my old posts the other day and it was amazing what I had forgotten.  Thank goodness I blogged about it - or those memories would have been gone forever.  My memory is not one of my strong points.  I'm definitely going to make a point to post a bit more often - I know I've been pretty sparse in my writing as of late.

I'm also going to make a point to keep the honesty and "realness" that I started with.  One thing I did notice is my retreating into myself and not really talking about what's on my mind lately.  Maybe it was the fear of people's opinions or just a season of privateness - but I'm think I'm ready to let go of those fears and just be me...right now. ;)


LeftyMama said...

We can take it! Love the new look and the profile pic of your shadow. Nice!

Just Me said...

Thank you!!! :)