This week will start our working with Hayden on "first-time obedience". Basically, the first step is to come when his name is called. He's already decent at this I'd say 50% of the time. I also want to work on his highchair manners. Screaming, throwing food he doesn't like on the floor, and being picky are just not acceptable behaviors for him to continue. I don't think it's unreasonable correct these kinds of issues. So those will be the two areas I will be concentrating on.
Considering my munchkin is very strong-willed, hehe, this will be an interesting week. Now that my routine with Corbin is more solid, we can establish a routine for all 3 of us. Hayden desperately needs routine. At present he roams around the house aimlessly, usually whining or wanting the TV turned on.
If I'm not mistaken this is National Blog Posting Month - where you post once a day for a month. I think I'm going to take the challenge. But I don't think I'll bother with signing up on the site and what not. Just a personal challenge for myself. I think I will also reserve posting for an evening-only activity. Too much of my time lately is being taken up by the computer when it should be directed to our home or the kiddos. So the month of November will also be "Internet Savings Time", hehe. AKA I'm staying off line during the day. ACK! What a concept. I think I'm already going through withdrawals in anticipation of it. Let's see how I do.
I seem to have a lingering bug. Every night/morning I have a sore throat. Ugh. Perhaps my allergies are kicking in early this season? I usually don't start that until January, but this drainage is killing me. Poor Hayden is sick still/again as well. He's got a cough that just doesn't seem to want to leave. I'm hoping to avoid a doctor visit, but if this doesn't start to clear up I may have to go in. We've been doing breathing treatments now for 3 weeks with one week in the middle of wellness and no treatments. I'm praying that Corbin stays well!
Mark and I had our first date night in FOREVER. Instead of going the restaurant route, we did something we don't get to enjoy when we have the kids with us. We browsed for Christmas decorations! Toddlers and babies don't enjoy lingering in the aisles of Garden Ridge and Walmart while we talk about what our themes are this year. HA! So we grabbed some drinks at Sonic and headed to the stores to browse.
We bought a few Halloween things on sale for 50% off. Hayden got really cute Halloween Crocs (or imitation crocs, haha) for $2.50. They are black with a purple strap. The holes are in the shape of little bats. They are super cute and he LOVES them. He won't take them off. I got some Tinker Bell Halloween PJs, which fit a little odd. I guess it's the breastfeeding. The bottoms fit normally, but the shirt screams porn star (i.e. a little tight around the top, hehe). Whatever, it will fit normally in a few months. We also found some cute pumpkin decorating stuff for kids (stickers and Mr. Potato Head-style parts) so we're all set for next year when we have a 3 year old and an 18 month old wanting to decorate their jack-o-lantern. And of course, Mark snagged a few more tombstones for the yard.
Breastfeeding is still a struggle. Production is just not easy for me. I read that oatmeal can help your milk production so I'm going to start eating it every day for breakfast. Supposedly that's what they feed cows and other animals to get them to produce more milk. MOO!
And I'm still maintaining on the weight loss front - although with this weekend's candy SPLURGE, along with finally getting that rogue period I may have gained a pound or two. With all the sickness in our family over the last three weeks, I haven't gotten any walks in. :(
Internal Musings:
I was recently directed here from another blog I read regularly, and I've been consumed in her letters ever since.
She writes about her homemaking, her time with God, her family, and much more. The insight she gets from her daily quiet times are inspiring. She really puts what she reads to heart and applies it in her everyday living. It's inspiring.
When I think of my own non-effort, it doesn't shame or guilt me, but instead gives me an eagerness to do more and give more of myself.
One habit I've always wanted to start, but always had a good excuse not to do, is to rise early and give God the first part of my day. Man, that's really hard. I am NOT a morning person. I love my sleep. And I love my cozy, warm bed in the cool mornings. And I have no interest in getting out of it. But I think it's something that I need to discipline myself to do. Oh how I love my sleep!!! This will be really difficult for me.
Part of me wants to make a list of 50 things I want to do and just start doing them! But I know that's the surest way to fail. One thing at a time. I'll start with the most important first and work down from there.
Well, if you're eyes aren't bleeding yet from reading this excessively long post - you must be a true friend, haha. I don't know why I'm so chatty today. I'm stopping now...I
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