Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Update #1

For those keeping up with the labor happenings...

I'm starting to lose my mucous plug and still have contractions. So everything is moving along this time!


Anonymous said...

mucous plug?? what in the?? whew...sorry, I got sidetracked. YAY -- hopefully it won't last very long and the little one will be out in no time!

Just Me said...

HAHA! Yes this whole labor thing is a messy process - and none of it is glamorous, hehehehe. No one ever tells you about these things. For all those preggos/wanna-be one day who DON'T want to know, I'd advise skipping the next few posts. HA!

AndreAnna said...

Oooh, how exciting! Now, if only I could get off the couch to do this "walking" thing, maybe I'd be better off.

Keep us posted and good luck fr a swift and easy delivery!

MissUTSA said...

Sorry, I didn't go through this phase of labor. I had a VERY VERY dry delivery. No mucus plug, no bloody show. It was more like one small spot of blood to make me think something was going wrong and after delivery the blood didn't stop flowing. Thanks for me we have drugs.