Have you met my amazing husband? He's the hot one in the middle.
He's gorgeous. He has the best sense of humor and can make you laugh and smile in less than a minute.
He is kind. He would go out of his way to help a stranger or a friend without even thinking about it.
He loves making people feel comfortable and liked.
He is an amazing father that changes diapers with perfection, gives bottles, tucks in his toddler, rocks his baby, gives the best baths, and isn't afraid to get down on the floor and play with his son. He's never too busy or too tired to be a Dad. He'll go on walks and to the park even if he has a headache or is tired.
He is a caring husband who lets me drag him around to the theatre in the park or for mile long walks - even when he's not up to it. He puts up with my Romantic movie thursdays. He always hugs me and shows me he loves me. And he's not too proud to say "I love you" out loud no matter where we are. He's the best thing that ever happened in my life and has taught me more about life than anyone else.
His motto is "Live, Laugh, Love".
And he lives with Multiple Sclerosis.
Three years ago this disease rocked our world and sent us on a roller coaster that I would never have volunteered for. But it made us stronger as a couple, and set our priorities straight.
Plans are not set in stone anymore for us, and each day is precious. He may live the rest of his life wonderfully or not. That is the mystery of MS. And we thank God for each MRI scan that comes back clear. We do what we can with both modern science - he takes a shot each week, plus a handful of pills to deal with this symptom or that, and nutrition - he follows a fat free diet.
But despite all this my husband is amazing, strong, loving, and the best person you'd ever meet.
November 16th (a Sunday) is the MS Walk here in Austin and our family will be there supporting all of the MS community to raise money to find a cure. If this is something that touches your heart, here is the link to our team page. Our team name this year is "I'm Just MSing With Ya!". Sign up to walk on our team and/or donate if you like. Or just pray for us and all those walking.
This will be our 3rd year walking, so in honor of that I'm designing a team t-shirt!! (Be patient, the page loads slowly, but I promise it will load eventually). If I can get 15 folks interested in buying a shirt (and hopefully walking with us too!!!) We can order the shirts for only $10.27 each. Which would rock. Because if I buy only 6 instead of 20 (6 is the minimum order) they come out to 23 bucks. Ouch. Anywho. So if you like the shirt and want to show your Zavala spirit - let me know. We'll probably be ordering the shirts next month!
The walk will be at the Dell Diamond again this year and they even have a free lunch and things for the kiddies to do. I'm super excited and hope all our friends can come out and support Mark!
Dan, Roland, and I will be there.
How big do the shirt sizes go up to?
Maybe we can make the kiddos some cute matching homeade onesies?
Sizes go from YXS-XXXXL
I'll take an XXXXL plz.
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