Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I *Heart* Google Reader

We all know that I am behind the times on most stuff, so why should this be any different? In the past year I've become an addicted, er, avid reader of blogs - especially Mommy blogs. My daily reads used to take me awhile to get through - because I was doing it the old fashioned way. I'd bookmark the blog and check each day for a new post.

But no more!

I have started using Google Reader. Now I can know instantly when one of my favorite blogs has a new post and not waste my time checking all day!!

Yes, I know...everyone has been doing this forever already. But I haven't!! I had know idea this existed. Yes, I'm behind.

So I have found another way to get my time back!

The no TV has been going well. Granted we've watched a tiny bit here and there, including a few Disney movies - but it's much improved from what we were doing. We now watch NO TV in the morning. And only a tiny bit in the afternoon. Mostly while Hayden naps.

I have to say, I've enjoyed not listening to the crap morning shows or dumb talk shows. I hated that they filled my brain with such dribble.

Oh, and no baby yet, for those waiting for that announcement. Tomorrow will be 38 weeks. I feel like Corbin is gonna just fall out, but no labor pains yet. I'm just large! Oh well. He will get here when he's ready.

Well, gotta get ready for a game night at our house tonight!!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the upcoming birth! My newest is just 10 weeks old, so mine is still pretty fresh in my memory. :)

Anonymous said...

I heart Google Reader too -- saves so much time especially when you have like 40-50 blogs in your subscription list. LOL :)